cricket league
a) NCL SPORTS is solely responsible for the operation of National Cricket League (“NCL”) and this Prevention of Malpractices Code for Players & Team Officials ( the “prevention of Malpractices Code”) is adopted and implemented as a part of NCL.
b) The Managing Committee of the NCL, has issued and adopted this Prevention of Malpractices code to bring in transparency and eliminate the possibility of Malpractices in the cricket initiative of the Company. The Company wishes to provide for an effective means to ensure that all participants in the NCL (Players as well as Team Officials) conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and restrain from conducting themselves in a manner that may be in violation of this prevention of Malpractices Code.
c) The Managing Committee of the NCL has constituted a Disciplinary committee to administer and adjudicate upon all cases , violations and disputes under the Prevention of Malpractices Code and pronounce decisions thereon.
a) All participants of the NCL are automatically bound by an required to comply with all the provisions of this Prevention of Malpractices Code.
b) All participants of the NCL are deemed to have implicitly and explicitly consented to the collection , processing, disclosure and use of information relating to the participant and the participant’s activities, including personal information relating to the participant and his/her activities.
c) It is the participant’s personal responsibility to familiarize themselves with all of the provisions /requirements of this Prevention of Malpractices Code and to comply with and abide by these requirements and to submit to the authority of the Managing Committee/Disciplinary Committee of the NCL.
d) Participants will not bring any proceedings in any court or other forum that are inconsistent with the foregoing submissions to the jurisdiction of the Managing Committee/Disciplinary committee.
e) Each participant shall continue to be bound by the required to comply with this Prevention of Malpractices Code during the entire duration of the NCL.
f) The decision of the Managing Committee/Disciplinary Committee shall be final and binding on the participants.
g) No participant shall, during any match, whether on or off the field of play , engage in conduct unbecoming to the game of cricket.
h) The conduct prohibited under the Prevention of Malpractices Code may also constitute a breach of other applicable laws or regulations applicable and force in India. The Prevention of Malpractices Code is intended to supplement such laws and regulations with further rules of professional conduct for those involved in the sport of cricket. It is not intended, and may not be interpreted , construed or applied, to prejudice or undermine in any way the application of such laws and regulations . All participants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in India, at all times.
The following conduct, if committed by a participant at any time during, or in relation to, a match, on or off the field of play shall amount to an offence under the Prevention of Malpractices Code.
Providing false/untrue/misleading/distorted, etc., information in the registration form or otherwise for registering or being a part of the NCL.
Providing forged/false/doctored/etc., documents for registering or being a part of the NCL.
Giving any kind of false/untrue/misleading/incorrect declaration.
Attempting or encouraging to influence, subvert, undermine, etc., in any manner, the registration process of the NCL.
Attempting or encouraging to influence, subvert, undermine, etc., in any manner, the conduct of the NCL.
Attempting or encouraging to influence, subvert, undermine, etc., in any manner, the outcomes of various activities/matches of the NCL.
Failing to observe or breach of the Code of Conduct.
Failing to observe, ignoring, disregarding or violating instructions given by the Coach, Assistant Coach or any NCL functionary/staff
Disclosing inside information to any outsider or unauthorized person before or during the entire duration of the NCL.
Soliciting, inducing, enticing, persuading, encouraging or facilitating any participant to commit an offence or any other person to do any act that would be detrimental to the interests of NCL or commit an offence.
Providing or receiving any gift, payment or other benefit (whether of a monetary value or otherwise) in circumstances that the participant might reasonably have expected to bring him or the sport of cricket into disrepute.
Failing or refusing to disclose to the managing committee full details of any approaches or invitations received by the participant to engage in conduct that would amount to a breach of this Prevention of Malpractices Code.
Failing or refusing to disclose to the Managing Committee full details of any incident, fact or matters that comes to the attention of a participant that may constitute an offence under this Code Prevention of Malpractices Code by a third party.
Failing or refusing, without compelling juridistiction, to co-operate with any reasonable investigation carried out by the Designated Official (or his/her designee) in relation to possible offences under this Prevention of Malpractices Code, including failure to provide any information and/ or Documentation requested by the Designated Official (or his/her designee) that may be relevant to such investigation.
Any attempt by a participant or any agreement between a participant and any other person, to act in manner that would culminate in the commission of an offence under this Prevention of Malpractices Code, shall be treated as if an offence had been committed, whether or not such attempt or agreement in fact resulted in the commission of such offence.
However, their shall be no offence under this Prevention of Malpractices Code where the participant renounces the attempt or agreement prior to it be discovered by a third party not involve in the attempt or agreement.
A participant who authorizes, causes, knowingly assists, encourages, aids, abets, cover up or it otherwise complicit in any acts or omissions committed by his/her coach, trainer, manager, agent, family member, guest or other affiliate or associate shall be treated as having committed such acts or omissions himself and shall be liable accordingly under this Prevention of Malpractices Code.
Where the Management Committee or Disciplinary Committee determine that an offence under the Prevention of Malpractices Code has been committed, the committee will be required to impose an appropriate sanction on the participants.
The Management Committee or Disciplinary Committee shall consider the term for which the Player/Team Officials shall be suspended based on the nature of offence. The Committee shall also have the right to terminate the existing right of the participant to participate in NCL, depending on the seriousness of the offence committed.
The decision of The Disciplinary Committee/Management Committee shall be final and binding on all the stakeholders.
The Prevention of Malpractices Code may be amended from time to time by the company with such amendments coming into effect on the date specified by the company.
The heading use for the various articles of the Prevention of Malpractices Code for the purpose of guidance only and shall not be deemed to be part of the substance of the Prevention of Malpractices Code or to inform or affect in any way the language or the provisions to which they refer.
If any Article or provision or the Prevention of Malpractices Code is held invalid unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the Prevention of Malpractices Code shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such articles or provision which shall be deemed deleted in so far as it is invalid, unenforceable or illegal.